104 now.

It has been a tough couple of weeks. The dang rain is killing me. AT&T is driving me nuts on my camera service. The rain is keeping my traps flooded. The wheat fields are not drying out yet. And the dang hogs are just getting dang lucky. I checked SD cards today on 2 of my traps and I have almost 50 hogs hitting those two traps. And yet, I can't get a gate dropped on them. They are about to make me mad. Forget that, they have already ticked me off. I can't get service on this property or these hogs would have already been caught. I am having to catch them with my remote controls. And that means sitting traps and doing a lot of waiting. And dang I hate them dang skitters as well.

I sat a trap last night and had 15 within 10 yards of the gate entrance and then the wind shifted. The night before I watched 8 in the trap and still had several on the outside and the wind shifted. Can't we get a good south wind to be consistent anymore?

Anyway, I know I have been promising big numbers and posting small ones, but it will change soon or I will call in the Air Force and some bombs!

And I am so ready to get the new Verizon cameras. When I do, I will be a happy happy man!

Alabama Hog Control, Inc.
Barry Estes

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke