Originally Posted By: jlbuc10
Y'all people like to call a lot of names. And if you've read some of my previous posts or seen the pics I posted I am obviously not a yote lover. You can call it what ever you want but a yote is gonna go after what is easiest for him to kill, I don't see how anyone can argue against that. Also it is natural selection. you argue about buck fawns being killed, but guess what the more skilled, and experienced moms to a better job of preventing their fawns from being killed. Therefore only the moms with the best survival instincts, and best genetics will have there fawns survive. Therefore passing on their successful genes to their surviving offspring(remember buck get half their genes from their mother) less skilled moms loose more fawns because they aren't as good at what they do. Therefore the mother will pass on her crappy instincts if her baby doesn't get eaten.

Sounds like a pretty good description of survival of the fittest and natural selection to me. What am I missing here Vulcan

Simple, because it's not, avoiding predators is largely a learned behavior. It's also based on a lot of luck, because coyotes generally kill nearly EVERY fawn they can catch, usually just because they happened upon them, sometimes they eat part, but I've also seen them run them down, kill 'em and drop 'em, they didn't check to see which ones were genetically superior. You can't see that? Seriously?

You are arguing just to pass the time, I think it's a waste of time.