Originally Posted By: CNC
Do you guys really believe that intense predator trapping is a feasible long term solution to controlling coyotes? How many landowners will spend the money? How many landowners will spend the time? How many landowners will continue to intensely trap for periods of 5-10 years? How much of an impact will it really have over the next decade or half century? Have we slowed them down yet? This is not a realistic solution that you should tell the general land owner as a means to deal with coyotes.

What you are advising land owners to do is to greatly reduce predator populations and hold prey populations at a much higher rate than the habitat is naturally supporting. Opening up social holes in the coyote population on a property and greatly increasing the prey species will insure that surrounding coyotes will just flock to fill these social holes in the land of milk and honey. With prey species amped up beyond normal conditions, it even opens the door for more coyotes to come back in than you originally had.

The best long term solution is to accept the predator and prey cycle and manage to keep things in balance by curtailing predator impacts rather than thinking you can eliminate them. The best long term solution to curtailing the impacts of predators is through establishing proper habitat and limiting doe harvest.

I think people like me and you can agree to disagree and move on, but you wont get ahead or anywhere arguing with "Shooters". Just throwing that out there. Now this is my opinion no facts to back it.. smile

"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne