I am am a law abidding citizen (let me say that first).The tagging system we have here in AL.is a joke. The state requires us to carry around a piece of paper that is not logged\ entered into any database - it is not tied to anything other than the garbage can at the end of the season, so what is the point of having it. I have a lifetime license, so every year I print out a single harvest tag to carry in my wallet for the season. I understand that the over the counter license's have the harvest tag located on the back. People with lifetime licenses in theory could print out a new harvest tag after every kill and no one would know the difference if you have taken 3 bucks or 10.(One argument you could make - the harvest tag is only enforceable to over the counter license holders, with the exception of not having it at all).
I lease a farm in Tenn. every deer in this state is supposed to be tagged and then checked in , which is great! The state then can provide how many doe and bucks were taken in each county and give a total state-wide harvest plus or minus the outlaws. Where Alabama gets it's harvest numbers is a mistery to me and I have doubts they are accurate. I love hunting in Alabama and I have total respect for Game Wardens and the job they do. It just seems to me, that the higher powers that be have pushed for the implementation of a rule\law that really is a half-way completed job. I am fine with the 3 buck limit and the antler restriction. Just fully implement the rule\law so we as hunter's can start to utilize the data from it.