Originally Posted By: joshm28
I've got one that was my grandfathers. He used to pull it with an 8n but you had to be real careful because it wold dang near flip the tractor if it caught something. I looked at it the other day. I bet it hasn't been used in 20 years.

On a Seperate note the cheap single plow at tractor and supply works really well for the money, and small acreage. We opened up a new plot last fall and used it do to a bunch of small roots. It turned the soil about 8-10" deep and we followed it with a disc.
The neat thing about that one was that if you were pulling it in sloppy mud, you could leave the field turned for a week or so and the tall piles of turned dirt would air dry it and be ready for disc-ing.

I am amazed at the old fashioned, heavy duty, damn the cost ingenuity that folks USED to come up with in answer to their needs!

Last edited by Deadwood; 02/15/14 01:45 PM.