I had this real ball buster professor in college. It was a really tough class and we had to submit most of our assignments through the school network. We had an assignment due at 8:00 PM one night and I tried to upload my work at around 6:00PM. The network was down and didn't come back up until the next morning. I called a friend of mine just to confirm that it wasn't just me having trouble. Well the next day at class I talked to her about the issue and she wouldn't budge and wouldn't accept my work nor anyone elses that didn't have it uploaded before the network crashed. I was pissed.

Well the next week she passes out professor evaluations. I let her have it on the evaluation. I gave her a terrible score and wrote that she needed to be more human and less robot. I thought that these were the evaluations that went to the dean for the school.

They weren't. These were her own little survey that she had made up herself. So she puts mine in all of it's glory up on the projection screen in front of the class. Then she read it while staring at me the whole time.

"The aggies are going to destroy bama"