I grew up on a dairy and we had a phone in the milk parlor. The phone also rang into my grandparents house that was right next to the barn. They would just call over on an intercom if the call was for me or my dad.

I was in my freshman year of college and we had a cow that got my dad down on the lot and worked him over pretty good so I had withdrawn from classes for the quarter to help gramps get the crops in so my dad could recover a little faster. I was dating a girl from school and hadn't seen her in a few weeks as we had pretty much been in the fields 24-7 for a few weeks.

One night she calls and my grandmother answers the phone and calls me on the intercom. Grandma can't hang up the phone until I answer it. Grandma is listening on the line for me to answer. I answer and before she can hang it up my girlfriend friend blurts out that she wants me to come up and see her because she is really horny.

My dad had stopped by to bring me a snack and check on how things were going..I told him and he thought it was the funniest thing ever.....BTW.....I drove up to see her for a few hours.........