Originally Posted By: Gotcha1
I'm going to bring it up one more time.
Why not, at least, have a "trophy" weekend and pay an extra
$5.00 or so when you buy your license. This money could go to research or to law enforcement.
If you work weekends, be able to pick 2 days prior to the 15th of Feb. during the week.
Put a 4 point on a side or some other criteria on what can be killed. No does, no spikes or the like.
There will be abuses, but we have that now, more than anyone can believe.
This will give us a taste of what things would be like with a February 15 end of season. If it makes a difference, go for it. If not, stay with the 2 day trophy season for a few more years, and continue to monitor deer density and conception dates.
BTW, I'm sure that many of us would be glad to help with the studies on our personal property or on leases that would allow folks to shoot some at night.
Attacks can start now. Florida hunters are banned from comments. smile

That would not work. And WHY put more restrictions on hunters??