Originally Posted By: Clem
It wouldn't if I were the neighbor I can tell you that.

So, what would you do?

He's well within his rights to hunt on his property at 6 a.m.

Clem he may be within his 'rights' BUT there is common courtesy to your neighbors at play here. Let's say I shot my .308 60 yds from your bedroom window on a Saturday morning. You think your wife and kids are gonna put up with that? I know mine wouldn't. Just because you have a 'right' to do something doesn't mean you actually do it. Put it this way, if I get jarred, and it would be jarred, out of bed at 6 am the shooter is gonna hate me as a neighbor from that point forward cuz I'll get any and all law enforcement a call and keep calling until I got something done. Disturbing the peace? Or whatever you wanna call it. Other than getting law enforcement involved I'm sure I could come up with some unique ways, (loud music, truck horns, etc) to stop a deer rifle from popping off a shot that close to me and my family inside our own house.
I love hunting and would fight to the bitter end to protect those rights for all hunters but WE have to be aware of the public and be courteous when we get the opportunity. Hunters that don't care about how their activities effect others are the fuel that the anti-hunters use to chip away at our 'rights'. I put rights in quotes because they aren't necessarily permanent. We can't hunt bears here in Florida anymore even though our bear population is as big as it has ever been. We had the 'right' to bear hunt now we don't. The biggest reason that 'right' was taken away from us was bad publicity from discourteous, I call em slobs, hunters.
We have to be smart about what we do to protect the rights we have or we will lose them. I'm sorry I just have a MAJOR issue with deer rifles shot that close to occupied homes. Hell grab a bow and problem solved, hunter can hunt and neighbor has no reason to make complaints, etc.. A win-win situation for all.
Like I said compromises can be made to satisfy both parties. Common courtesy, being a good neighbor, thinking about the safety and privacy of others, and good ole common sense should prevail.

Last edited by WhiteCityHunter; 01/04/14 12:30 PM.