Originally Posted By: globe
I'm gonna say this as a fact, most of the half white half black kids that play on my sons ball teams don't have a dad in the picture. That's why I have a problem with it. Black guys have multiple baby Mommas and dont get involved with all the kids because he's busy getting more women pregnant. That is a proven fact of the African American community. They'll even tell you that they have too many kids out of wedlock and too many households with no dads. That's why I wouldn't want my child to marry a black person. They have a very poor track record. Even though divorce has skyrocketed in all races, they lead the pack!
If my little girl wanted to marry a Asian, so be it.

So no, I don't like the commercial either.

I could care less about the commercial, but you are dead on about the fatherless part. That, and it is very difficult to merge two cultures. We had a niece that dated a black boy. We said "OK, but keep in mind that staying together (already hard to do) is even MORE difficult when you try to merge two different cultures".

Of course, it didnt last.

The real question is this...why are the girls attracted?

I think the dads are not setting an example of the way a father and husband should behave. The young girls don't know WHAT a good man acts like.