Review of Posey's Reataurant:

Even though I too was born on a stormy night near a river in Mississippi, I've never tasted raccoon breaticas. Now that we have that skrait....

I'm fat. But not necessarily out of shape. Round IS a shape. I was at the beach all last week and now I'm tanned and fat. I got back and figured I'm gonna loose some weight (seriously, really, for real!) but wondered how I'd do with all my work traveling around and the lunch meetings I have at various and sundry Meat & 3 Home Cooking Kitchens, BBQ joints, and Cheeseburger Shacks all over the state. See we (various experts, engineers, construction folks, lawyers, insurance adjusters, etc...) have these legal construction inspections multiple days a week and then go talk it over at lunch. Today I was in Meridianville, just a smidge north of Huntsvegas....home of the most non-interesting man on Aldeer--Jughead. grin

2 hoses done, off to lunch we go. I knew I was going to be pleasantly surprised when I spotted multiple trucks, a few utility worker rigs, and a mostly full parking lot. Two rules: Eat where the place is busy at lunch time and follow where men in trucks eat---hard to go wrong that way.

We enter and were promptly seated...7 of us. The home cooking buffet was the ticket and the steam was rolling out nicely. Hot food served hot is a good sign. I had committed myself to advert my eyes from and avoid certain food groups, what I call "oh mama sweet nectar"--namely cornbread, mac n cheese, smashed taters, creamed corn, any kind of cobbler, and banana pudding.

Meat and veggies only for me...real veggies that are green or are a bean. Starches in mass quantities makes you fat, so I was told.

I loaded up on some fresh, crispy hot fried beans...white beans...with a nice side salad with a splurge of ranch dressing. Unsweet tea.....yes I had unsweet tea. The food was very good. Tasty, rightly seasoned, plenty of it. My compadres enjoyed theirs as well...all the foods I avoided it seemed. It was tough to be committed to a diet. But I survived my first meal out with flying colors in my own mind, which is justification central I know. The second trip for a couple fried chicken wings...well protein is good for you!

Verdict: Great food, great service, great diner atmosphere, good prices (since the lawyer picked up the bill), and clean restrooms (sorry for the bomb I left there at 12:45 people after me---too many veggies has me irregular!)

Thumbs up to Posey's Restaurant on Hwy 431/231 just inside of Hazel Green, AL

Photographic proof:

Last edited by straycat; 09/11/13 12:02 PM.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams