I took a guy that thought like Bill one time on my place. He was giving me a rash of chit about how easy it was to kill a deer in a "pen". He was a good bow hunter with some nice bucks he had arrowed. Not a novice or a goober.

I put him up a tree on the edge of a trail leading into the green field and he shot his whole quiver of arrows before he got a doe shot. He was dealing with 8 or 9 sets of eyes watching him rather than one or two sets.

Our deer where as wild as anybodies deer. They could escape just as easy as any other deer. We NEVER ran em up in the corner to shoot them even though that is what some people think happens.

As far as my "standards", I'd say they are at least as high as yours........... one reason I know that is I don't put down some thing or some one I don't know any thing about.

"Few things in life are worse than being unarmed or afoot. I have been both."