Prices vary according to the network. The Outdoor Channel was running from around $7500-$12,000 per week when we stopped in 2010. The sportsman and pursuit were both asking around $2500-$3500 per week. You do 26 week contracts..13 original programming run two times. so a 26 week contract can cost from $65,000 to $260,000 just for the airtime.

That gives you anywhere from 6-10 commercial spots..depending on the network AND your negotiating skills. ( you want to pay the least you can,..and get the most commercial spots that you can!)

You also have to pay an editor..unless like myself you can edit professional quality TV shows on a professional HD editing suite which you own(which are EXPENSIVE).

editing cost range from around $1000 an episode to $3000. You also have to have a "graphics Package" or wrap around made by a graphics person (unless like do it yourself) That includes your beginning, your "bumpers" going to and back from commercial breaks, your ending, and your credit roll.

Lets say middle of the road editing cost around $2000 per another $26,000