Originally Posted By: hunterbuck
Originally Posted By: jmj120
Honestly, I think if it were made legal there wouldn't be very much of an increase in corn feeding over what's already being done.

I think you are sadly mistaken. Corn sales/baiting would go through the roof if legalized. MOST of the people who hunt do it legally and responsibly. It's kinda like a locked gate...the only people a locked gate keep out are the honest people. Honest people will begin baiting if it's made legal. Think corn is high now? Just wait.

So you don't think "honest" people are going to place it at least 100 yards and out of sight of their stand? Corn is not some sort of magic deer magnet. I think the perception is out there that a person could dump a bag of corn and shoot a 150 class buck the next day. Are corn prices "through the roof" in Florida? Are Florida hunters less of a hunter than Alabama hunters?? Corn isn't the magic bullet.