TC looks like everybody is trying to help so I will too!

Calling: You can't call too much, too long or too loud! Now you'll see where some folks say that's a no no but those are just the greedy hunters who don't want you killing any of their turkeys! Don't worry with all this rythm and cadence crap you hear about. Hens spit and sputter the worst sounding yelps ever and gobblers stay with them!

Decoys: You're gonna need at least 2 and the best ones out are the primos wounded gobbler and the funky lil chicken decoy advertised by cabelas!

Locator calls: Bar none must have is the screaming peacock! It'll have every gobbler for miles choked up he gobbles so hard! And again this is a call you'll want to keep handy so you can blow it every 30 yrds or so on your way to the turkey but remember not to get any closer than 40 yards from his roost! Any closer and you'll spook him!

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. Emerson