Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Originally Posted by jmj120
Originally Posted by TexasHuntress
Originally Posted by jmj120
Who knows why she’s doing it. Attention I guess.
Republicans have accomplished absolutely nothing. Tubbs is just worried about daylight savings time.
This country is done if we end up with Biden and a democratic Congress but the Republicans can’t get their act together. Pedophile Gaetz should have never ousted McCarthy.

Not true. Tubbs wants to pass a law preventing men from competing in women's athletics as well (and as it should be).

Meanwhile his childish antics with military appointees proved nothing, solved nothing, helped nothing. It only showed how lazy and petty he is.
Now he’s backed himself into a corner and probably won’t get bills like you are speaking of pushed through. Like it or not politics are about comprise, especially when dealing with a one or two vote majority

Oh that's just crap. His issue was they were breaking the law, the problem is the lack of spine in the rest of the party to stand up and do the right thing.

The republican party sucks when it comes to standing in solidarity and doing the moral and right thing. Everytime a large portion of them defect, it gives the dem's more talking points. They split the party. It's divide and conquer. You can't divide and conquer a bunch of democrats'.

Hard to do the moral thing when Trump controls the party. Man has the morals of a billy goat. I’ll hold my nose and vote for him though