Originally Posted by jmj120
Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by jmj120
Who knows why she’s doing it. Attention I guess.
Republicans have accomplished absolutely nothing. Tubbs is just worried about daylight savings time.
This country is done if we end up with Biden and a democratic Congress but the Republicans can’t get their act together. Pedophile Gaetz should have never ousted McCarthy.

The California Democrat should have been left as speaker? This is exactly why I have less faith in the intelligence of republican voters than I do democrats. Democrats know what they are voting for but Republicans consistently support candidates that don't represent their interests.

I didn’t particularly care for him either, and I knew you were baiting with your question. My point is, as slim of a majority as Republicans held that was no time to unseat the speaker. Mark this post, by September Hakeem Jeffries will be speaker. Is that what you want?

Yeah, I'm not a fan of "playing the game". Compromise is exactly why Republicans consistently lose ground. Democrats aren't compromising but I always hear how Republicans have got to play ball. I'd like you to point out one good thing that's ever come from Republicans compromising. I'll wait....

I'm gonna have to admit I have no idea who Jeffries is but if he's someone the Republicans will support he's obviously a bad choice.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"