Originally Posted by marshmud991

I strongly believe that there is no one on this forum is anti hog hunting!!!

Have you actually read this thread?

"I don’t give a flip about recreational hog hunting and never will. The only places in North America where hogs are not a problem is in states you can’t hunt them recreationally." -Matt Brock

I'm not against trapping and never said I was. The point is that bureaucracies specialize in justifying their existence and getting public funds and it pisses me off to hear them all spouting the company line that trapping is the only way (because they can get funding and justify their existence with that) and hunting hurts the effort when common sense says different. The same people were begging for hunters to help in Bankhead a few short years ago. They also are for shooting, chasing with helicopters, etc. when its them being funded to do it. Apparently hunters are the only ones making trapping less effective by spooking hogs. And, of course, statewide corn baiting is ok now too since they're making $$$ on it.

Forest Service

"Other techniques, such as judas pig, ground shooting, and aerial gunning will be performed to compliment trapping efforts."

Keep "trusting the science". Bureaucrats would never lead you astray and have your best interests at heart.