What Matt Said

Your post is great - what gets me - some try to push their idea on everybody and shame certain type of hunters. Their aint no hero stories out there - we supposed to be able to kill and eat animals - we at top of food chain. If u like clear cuts - hunt em - fields - hunt em - muzzleloader - hunt with it - cross bow - hunt with it - if u hunt over corn do it - if you dont - great - nobody cares 😀
Some try to make it a big deal they hunt a certain way and theirs is better. Aint nobody winning no awards here and get over yourself - we just killing an animal and i hope i always love doing it

And you dont owe anybody an explanation - go enjoy the privilege and freedom. I respect you either way you do it if its legal!!

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
We need prayer for our country now more than ever