Used to fish it 3 or 4 times a week.
Back in the seventies and 80's it was a tremendous
LM lake. Now it is Spot heavy and similar to
Martin. Clearer and much cleaner water.
You need to drop down to 8 or 10 lb. test and
fish smaller baits. Fish suspend over all of
the underwater timber after spawning, which
I'm sure is over now (spawning).
Might want to fish top early. Move to swimbaits
in 10 to 15 feet after topwater is over. Then
fish the timber. Watch for schooling fish, also.
Good crappie fishing this time of year. They should
be 15, or so suspended over brush.
Veazey, Wehadkee, and Stroud creeks are good
for both.
Used to catch some decent yellow perch, way
up Wehadkee
For those interested, there are lots of big hybrids
in the lake.
Holler if I can help you.

Matt Brock wears knock-off Crocs.