Originally Posted by Goatkiller
That is why almost every widely accepted religion except Buddhism believes in a deity or deities. In our religion, Christianity we call the deity "God". Same God that the Muslims and Jews believe in. For the Hindus it's Brahman. The Indians called it "The Great Spirit".

IMO that's evidence of God.

The biggest problem with Christianity and it's ultimate downfall will be none of this.... The root problem is simply that you ask 3 Chirstians what they blieve and you get 3 answers. It appears you can sort of make it up to suit you. I'm talking about people sitting in Church saying they are Christian then voting for a political party that wants to mutilate Children and get your health insurance to pay for it..

Thousands of years from now people will likely read stories from the Bible alongside the Iliad and The Odyssey.

Scripture instructs us to agree on the cornerstones of salvation. Jesus is the only way to Heaven, he came to earth 100/100 God/Man, died on the cross as the sacrificial Lamb of God and will one day return. Salvation is free if you are willing to pay for it- it will cost you your sin, you must repent and be born again(not improved or better than before)

Other than that, Disciples may disagree on the particulars i.e. implicits about heaven, timetable for rapture and creation, etc.

As long as you get Salvation right, the other particulars will be revealed to us in Eternal timing if the Father sees fit. If not, then who cares. Our ultimate problem is solved anyway if our name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and we have an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father.