Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher

Lol, that's a good one!

I have a better idea to produce more turkeys - let turkey season run March 15 to April 30 with a 5 bird limit. The opportunity for that much hunting will give landowners and lease holders all the incentive they need to carry out ALL the management practices that will lead to more turkeys.

It's Reaganomics applied to wildlife management, and it's nothing new. Alabama did it for over 50 years and it worked great.

I do one bird and few days shift of the season will realistically change anything on the supply side of the equation PCP......That isnt gonna to be the catalyst for thousands of acres suddenly changing from what it is now

We have lost the best 10 days of the season, in addition to the lower limit, but far more important than that is the trajectory of restrictions. Is there anyone here who believes this is all they are going to do? How long do you think it will be before March hunting is completely eliminated? How long before the limit is 3? 2? 1? Lottery to draw a tag?

With a regulatory climate like this, how many landowners are going to be willing to make the long term commitment it takes to manage land for turkeys instead of money? I'm happy to see people wanting to catch coons, but turkeys are produced when you provide the habitat to grow them, and that costs money.

Gotta make coon hunting cool again.

We had a trickle of a coolness factor a few years ago but the kids didn’t have anywhere to hunt. Thy were riding around with their dogs name on their back window representing and all. Big siganage and artwork.
Just like that it was gone. A few of them remain, very few.

Honestly I was surprised who some of those guys were. Never hunter anything in their lives till they got some coon dogs. But it was fleeting when they ran out of land to hunt.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan