Originally Posted by jake5050
What would you plant with soybeans lockjaw

I think you need to use buckwheat, and then add some clay peas and perhaps sunn hemp. If your deer like sunn hemp, they will wear it out, and it takes pressure off the beans/peas and allows them to grow. The buckwheat will sprout fast, and give cover to keep the deer off the beans/ peas until they get past the 2 leaf stage.

The only soybean I was ever able to plant that the deer didn't just kill were eagle soybeans. But they cost $110/bag. The soybeans I normally plant are Hinson (?) , about $35/bag. I generally mix those in a 3 to 2 ratio with clay peas. Clay peas also seem to keep the deer off soybeans for me. I don't know why, but mine don't seem to key on a clay pea when it sprouts like they do a soybean.

Sunn hemp is now the backbone of what I plant when I do beans/peas. If you want to use some, I would order it now, I had a hard time last year once it got into April/May getting my hands on some.

I don't really worry about weeds when I plant this sort of forage. If you plant it right, it will be so thick, most weeds will get shaded out. I just come back in the fall and broadcast my cereals, brassicas and fertilizer into the standing beans, and let rain take care of the rest.

I still love clover, but with the really bad cold we had, I may be starting over with clover on some of my plots this spring. I generally only want to plant clover in the fall, so it has time to get a root system established by spring.