Stats for 22-23
Total tracks 26
Recovered 10
Avg distance on recovery 596 yds
Avg distance on non recovery 1237 yds
Unrecovered confirmed still alive either killed at a later date or bag on camera 11
Unrecovered and unconfirmed alive 5 (3 of these had to be called due to property line issues)
Tracks by weapon
Bow 6
Muzzleloader 1
Rifle 19
Most common weapons used
Bow was 50/50 between mechanical and fixed blade
3-308 150gr
1-300 black out
2-6.5 prc
1-6.5 creedmore
1-350 legend
1-338 win mag
This is most of the stuff I keep up with throughout the year thought some of y'all mite find it interesting