Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
Originally Posted By: cartervj
I'm still still trying to figure out who is gonna pay for all these site specific limits, that's gonna get expensive

There is a synopsis of The Road to Serfdom by Freidrich Hayek. He was an advisor to Ronald Reagan It's mostly about economics but can be applied to much of government in general. Read it and you will better understand why site specific limits set by the people more intimately involved with the local variables will trump a limit created by central planning.

that goes back to my college days

I'm still trying to understand just how in the hell we can regulate deer season at all on a site specific case, that would be extremely expensive, as of right now you can shoot and kill any as you wish under what the establishment has determined

yea that sucks but there has to be some sort of regulation, we've seen what no regulation looked like, closed deer season and reintroductions into areas

I really doubt AL wants to take on a season with varying limits per district or county etc.... just try and figure a way to regulate that

now go back to my comment about cost
at what point are you and most others willing to pay for this kind of situation

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan