Look I'm not a biologist. What I am though is a guy with a keen eye and a scientific mind.

So what I do know is I saw more deer in the 80's when we had doe season and unlimited buck limits or 1 per day. Or you could use archery and kill a doe.

Now days, in most all clubs, if a doe walks out on a greenfield, it gets shot. So pretty soon there are no doe's walking out on a greenfield. That means bucks aren't either. In the 80's a lot of people killed bucks off green fields because they weren't shooting doe's.

So hunters get frustrated and do what? Start walking around and f'n up the woods. They go the deer aren't coming out in fields so I need to find where they are. In the 80's you could sit on a field and count on it, deer would come in every evening like clockwork.

So now we have trained all the doe's to be more nocturnal, just like bucks. They hole up in stuff we can't hunt, and make sure until dark, and then come out. The only deer that consistently moves during daylight is a spike or button head. Most clubs are 6pt or better, and a shooter isn't going to be hot after a spike.

Perhaps that's over simplified, or maybe I'm smoking crack, but all I know for sure is I don't see deer like I used to and it's getting worse not better. And the culprit as far as I'm concerned is the doe a day limit.