Originally Posted by Lockjaw
It sounds to me most everyone agrees most everyone will shoot a nice 2 or 3 year old buck, so why not increase the buck limit and lower the doe limit? The whole has to have 4 points on one side doesn't help either. I have mature 6 points that need to go. I have one buck that's well over 4 years old that has a spike on one side and a split spike at the pedicile at the other.

Lockjaw, that’s the problem. Or at least one of them. People are too quick to shoot any buck, regardless of age. What would allowing more buck harvest and less doe harvest accomplish in a scenario like we’re discussing in this thread? Buck harvest is already too high. That’s why there’s a skewed sex ratio in favor of females. You have TWO bucks of choice that allow you to kill any two bucks you want. Only one has to have 4 on one side. The regulation change was designed to protect more bucks and recruit them into the population to correct the sex ratio problem that plagued a good chunk of the state years ago. Increasing buck harvest and protecting more does is counterproductive to improving reproductive success.