Several good suggestions already. In the area you're thinking about clearcutting, look at a soils map and select the best soils. Create a 6 acre destination plot there. Make two more 3 acre clear cuts to achieve your 12 acres of clear cut. As suggested earlier, cut all timber to daylight your roads, make them at least 40-50' wide. This will help keep your roads dry as well. Thin everything else to the 40-60 basal area like CNC suggested. In the hardwoods, do TSI through hack and squirt or cut and drop to remove non-productive trees. Read up on mineral stumps from MSU deer lab to see which species to cut and let sprout. I don't like hinge cutting because it quickly grows back into crap. Start identifying your oaks which are the best producers and do a crop tree release on those.

Make a plan and keep good records so you can track your progress.

"Cull" is just another four letter word...