Shoot does.... have less deer and less bucks. Shooting your deer so they get bred on time is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.

Really simple as that.

Seriously. You can make a 2 pager explaining how or why you think I am wrong.... but 100% of the time I can statistically prove the more deer you shoot the less deer you will have.

Period. 100% of the time. That cannot be argued and has nothing to do with "The Science"..... (say that like Dr. Fauci in your head when you read it)

If you have a Buck/Doe ratio problem you have a trigger finger issue. Alabama is trying to manage based on a theory instead of common sense. The vast majority of hunters are NOT hunting on a piece of land anywhere remotely close to big enough for this type of management philosophy that is EXACTLY why it doesn't work.

It doesn't work. We've been doing this for decades and still don't have the age structure anywhere close to where it needs to be in this State.

Next person that says they have "too many deer" please post up some pictures of starving deer with their ribs showing so that we can all get on the same page about what that even means. Breeding late? Tell your neighbors to stop shooting all the spikes they see.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.