2014 in Little Coon Creek Valley I drove in with my truck then hiked up to nearly the top with my Summit climber. That was a 1500 yard hike, up in elevation about 900 ft. I took a big donkey headed doe, about 130 lbs. she ran 70 yards and it took me a while to find her because the blood trail went right through the snow cover. After the snow began to melt off I finally found her.
Anyway, I had to drag her through massive thick two year cutover while carrying my rifle, pack, and climber. I was breaking saplings with my bare hands, stumbling around tripping over limbs, basically tearing myself up. It took me 4 1/2 hours to get back to the truck ith her and my gear.

I don't want to pass quietly into the night. I want to slide in sideways kickin and screamin
Life really is awesome ... Soak it up while you can ...