A while back I saw one of the threads titled “Hump Day” that pops up a lot. I had no idea what it was about so I clicked it out of curiosity. If I remember correctly it was basically some kind of porn/ half naked woman. I closed it as fast as I could. Flash forward to this morning and I felt like I needed to address this and to warn others so they don’t stumble upon it like i did. Please correct me if I am wrong and it is something else. But if that’s the case, that kind of thread should not be going on. We have enough of that mess on tv, magazines, etc to avoid like the plague. Porn addiction is a snare and destroys lives and families so we have to remain alert. Sin is sin and this particular sin God addresses clearly in Matthew 5:28 “But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” I realize we can’t always avoid these kind of images like say a half naked lady walks past you at the beach. You just have to have a pre-set plan to look away, not stare and do the best you can to forget any nasty image from sticking around your head and could cause you to stumble. Another verse for this situation is Matthew 6:22-23 “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. 23 But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!”