Originally Posted by Goatkiller
You just iced this cake.... The white bird in that picture in the article you posted PCP is neither... that's a "Royal Palm".

The dumbass that wrote that article don't know chit from brown shoe polish. I mean... Google it. Heritage Birds have been bred in this country for literally 100's of years. Does anyone think they all are hidden away in a chicken house somewhere in a secret Gubberment location guarded by the military? They can run and fly. They are in people's yards.

I shot a Melanistic Turkey once.

FYI - Those are called a "Black Spanish"

You should probably put “Sir” in front of or behind most of your closed minded sentences; and “In my rudeass opinion” when speaking to someone that’s as nice, has common sense, mild mannered, and knowledgeable about turkeys as preacher man. I hate to be the one to call ya out, and I know from reading your post that you’ll have some other stupid comment towards me too, but I tried. Probably a lot like your momma. Thanks for your service, but you’re a straight up dick.

Carry on.

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin