Well the upside is the other fertilizer I use is still the same as last year, 17.50 a bag. But my soil test calls for 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Amonium nitrate was $25/ bag. So 34-0-0 is $25 and 46-0-0 is $35. I figured I need $875 in fertilizer. I need some lime too. Guy at the quarry says 3-$400 for a dump truck plus $25/ton and he will deliver. So I need to work on a deal with him. I figure I need about 6 tons, but it might be worth it just to get more and have it there.

Theoretically, if you plant the right rotation, and your PH is good, you can get to a place where you need very little fertilizer. That is what I am working towards. I should probably soil test again next year and see where I am.