If you're going with that argument on invading another country, then the US cannot say a single word when China takes Taiwan back. The US has a huge behind the scenes informal presence with Taiwan through the TRA but most people do not know that Taiwan is not formally recognized as its own country and all relations between the US and Taiwan are through the TRA. Taiwan was a part of China prior to their civil war, just like Ukraine was part of Russia (USSR). The US was quick to recognize Ukraine's independence because at the time, we were in a cold war with Russia and they were our number one enemy. Otherwise, Ukraine's recognition most likely would not have happened, and certainly not as quickly as it did. The Uyghurs are in the same boat as Taiwan and the same boat that the Ukrainians were in prior their individual recognition. They tried to separate from the PRC and got hammered for it. It's really not a simple as it all appears at first glance.

Putin making "unfriendly countries" pay for Russian gas in rubbles instead of US dollars was simply a play to help prop up Russia's currency which by the way worked like a charm but has nothing to do with this discussion. Following the money refers to the US money leaving this country in the form of foreign aide, then how it returns and who it returns with coming back to the US (ie, payments to politician's family members, board seats on company boards where the member has no clue in the industry, dark money campaign donations, in the case of Hunter Biden a straight up $3 million cash payment from a Russian Oligarch's wife). You know stuff like that, that nobody seems to be concerned about.

I dang sure dont get my talking points from the MSM. The MSM isnt about to mention a freaking word about US money laundering and influence peddling through Ukraine or numerous other locations for that matter. You asked in an earlier post and that's exactly what caused the tif between Z and T. Z was in a position to be able to turn over the goods on the Biden family and numerous other politicians (both Repub and Dem) getting their families rich off of Ukraine corruption and Trump specifically asked for his help in this on the phone call. Z said he would "look into it" on the call, then completely ignored Trumps request for the proof since, almost assuredly, it would've incriminated Z too. It's turning out that Trump was pretty much right, on most all of his calls. He was almost impeached for holding up Ukrainian aide, on the basis of corruption, late in the second or early third year of his presidency. You can say what you want about Trump but he was getting some very good intel from somewhere/someone, but the Washington political machine and MSM beat on him so incessantly over all 4 years, and by refusing to cover or look into any of it, they very effectively, never allowed him to be able to use any of it. Wire tapping his campaign, Hillary's involvement, Russia collusion story, Hunter's laptop, Biden being told what to say though an ear piece at debates, them doping Biden up prior to the debates, US officials laundering money through Ukraine, on and on. And now, years later, it's all turning out to be 100% true.