Originally Posted by crenshawco
I couldn't see it on my phone last night for some reason but I just watched it. I was expecting it to be more just the stalks and not so bushy. I may give it a try. Keep us posted on it.

It goes from looking like what we’d eat, to having the “leaves” on it in about 2 days.

Originally Posted by oakachoy
So, I see Mary Washington and a Jersey variety. Would 3 year even quicker producers?

Yes, it should but if you’re going to buy 3 year old crowns I would buy them from somewhere other than Amazon. I bought both those varieties and I bought 4, 3 year old crowns of one variety. I could tell absolutely no difference in the size of the roots and can’t tell any difference in what it’s produced this year.

The 2 year old crowns that I bought had started sprouting in the box when I unpacked them. They were in great shape. I’ll go back on my Amazon account and see if I can find what vendor had those. I wouldn’t hesitate to order from them again.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14