Originally Posted by redgineer
Originally Posted by MC21
I guess the fear of going alone would be if I got stuck, lost/turned around, needed help getting a deer out or anything like that. I’m now starting to realize that’s kind of irrational and that I need to get over it

There are downsides to going alone. I've spent hours getting my truck unstuck when all I needed was a push. Dragging a deer out is a long and painful process. A sprained ankle can get you killed when alone in the woods, so you need to be careful. You definitely don't want to fall out of a tree.

All that being said, there is no adventure like heading out into the woods alone and coming out with venison. The memories you make will last a lifetime, and it shows you what you're capable of.

Most young people today are sniveling cowards who can't endure the slightest discomfort. If you're waiting on a buddy, you'll probably never go.

Edit: One of the hardest parts of solo hunting is the boredom you face at night. Being alone with your thoughts forces you to confront every mistake you've ever made in your life. You will come out of it a better man though.

That is the part I could not handle