I would barely take one if given one for free. Best bud has one, he actually did get it for free in a raffle last deer season. We've been shooting a lot as we were preparing for an NRL22x match that was last weekend.

Off the bat, the rifle would not pickup the last round from the magazine it came with and it would not eject the last round either. Had to get a few magazines and try them out. One of the replacement magazines fit so tight you had to pry it out with a knife or screwdriver.

Then one morning two weeks before the match, the bolt handle sheared right off of the bolt. All my buddy needed was a new bolt handle, we could disassemble the bolt and put it back together but no dice. Christensen told him he had to send the whole rifle in. Did not have time for that obviously, got a machinist buddy to whip up a replacement and voila. Buddy placed 17 out of 49 in the match, his first ever, with a free rifle, a $200 scope, and a homemade bolt handle ha.