Prayers for the officers, their families, work family, friends and all first responders involved.

Obviously the three strike rule did not apply to this POS. But, apparently this is what happens since the prison reform. We constantly have people fussing down here about how those convicted are turned loose so soon and how low bonds are for the most heinous of crimes it seems. Some just shouldn't be allowed to have bond, but on the flip side of that, the tax payer is on the hook for the upkeep of that person if not allowed to bond out and the wheels of justice turn so slow here that it is quite often a couple years before a case comes to trial. So, that is a couple years worth of upkeep for a person who may or may not be convicted at trial. But, for those arrested for the worst of crimes I don't think the general populace would balk at a portion of their taxes going to keep those types locked up.

Of course, if general society were allowed to police their own property as they wished without fear of repercussion, a lot of these crimes might reduce on their own.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.---Winnie the Pooh