Originally Posted by Irishguy
What I don't get about this thread is...

If this is something you are not interested in, why are you in here?

To fvck with the people who are interested in it?

If this was a thread about bass fishing and you weren't into bass fishing would you be in there telling people who bass fished they were fvcked up?

This thread is interesting to me on several levels:

1. The Russians are an enigma. (Take Winston Churchill's word for it.)
2. This war has the potential to involve the entire world in a global war like we have never seen before.
3. This war has the potential to involve nuclear weapons, which should concern everyone on the planet.
4. This war is effecting everyone economically.
5. This war is effecting global food production.
6. This war is a classic underdog vs superpower story, which is interesting.
7. This is a rare peer to peer conflict.
8. This war involves the "Evil Empire."

If this war was Chad vs Libya I wouldn't give a chit.

All good points Irish. But the greatest potential for this to escalate into WW3 is by meddling in the war in one side or the other. Our meddling in the Middle east over the last 40+ years has yielded nothing but dead American soldiers.

Let Ukraine fight the good fight and see how they fare against the big bad Russians. The Russian military ain't looking all that great right now but Vlad still has the ultimate trump card. He won't be tempted to use them UNLESS the US and NATO back him into a corner. Once that line is crossed...

Our sanctions have had as much a deleterious effect on us as Russia.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe