Step 1

Go to and click on the "New Post" button

[Linked Image]

Step 2

Click on "Choose Photo/Video"

[Linked Image]

Step 3

Your explorer window will appear.
Find your pick and click the "Open" button

[Linked Image]

Step 4

Your picture will upload and when it's completed, you will see your picture.
Click the 3 dots next to "Copy Link"
Then choose "Get Shared Links"

[Linked Image]

Step 5

The "Shared Options" window will appear, click on the "Copy Link" button beside BBCode (Forums)

[Linked Image]

Last but not least

Right click in the message and choose "Paste" and you're done.
You can click on the "Preview New Thread" button to see what it will look like before you post.

[Linked Image]

Ain't nothing a sharp knife can't fix