Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Originally Posted by JustHunt
If you plan on fertilizing in the fall you may wanna go ahead and buy it now. May be $40 a bag by the fall. Only issue is you will need a humidity controlled area to store it or it will be hard as a rock by the time you need it. With the rising prices of fertilizer and seed I may give everyone a choice….. pay a lot more or we ain’t planting.

I use a very specific fertilizer, and it must be old stock, because I got 400 pounds for 17.50 a bag today. Which is what I paid last fall. What is going to hurt this fall is the Urea. I need 100 pounds per acre.

With as much clover as you've got, the fert you are using is probably 0-20-20 which has 0 nitrogen. Nitrogen is the most expensive component in fertilizer and the component that has gone through the roof lately, so it would make sense that your fertilizer would be roughly the same cost as last year. You dont need the component that is responsible for the cost run-up.