I helped my uncle plant his field Wednesday. It is new ground that had been in mature pine timber, so we had to farm over and around the stumps. We used an all purpose plow that has 9 shanks and it got the ground into fairly decent shape. We just broadcast the seed and fertilizer, starting with a strip of Egyptian wheat on each edge and another down the middle. Then we put an acre of sesame and an acre of millet in between the strips. He has a good 3 pt hitch cultipacker, and it did a good job of leveling the field and covering the seed as the final step. All we need now is rain.

I bought a jug of diuron, but his sprayer wasn't working and since it is new ground we are hopeful that the weeds won't be too bad this first year. I am planning a similar field on my place next week and will spray the diuron as a pre on the sesame. If the sesame doesn't do well, we can always plow it under and put browntop on it the first of July.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.