So basically Russia went to Mexico and started getting cozy with the Mexican government while a bunch of their Oligarch types got involved in an oil pipeline that was a main lifeline of the American Economy and then Mexico started talking about becoming a member of the Warsaw Pact. Then Putin and other Warsaw leaders while speaking across the glob said that was a great idea and were really thinking about letting them in Warsaw. Meanwhile Putin got impeached over a phone call asking Mexico to look into some dirty business dealings with his #2 guy who he suspected of taking money

Then... "They" do away with Putin and Put Barney Fife in charge only this time they took his bullet out of his front shirt pocket and gave him a bowl of ice cream.

If that was Mexico and I was an evil American Dictator I would probably think it was about time to go stomp some ass and blow the place to the ground.

The loss of life and civilian casualties is what it is in my mind. That's war. It ain't pretty. You should see it first hand. I think what the scorched earth position says is simply that Putin is serious as hell about this. As soon as he moved on Ukraine I knew there would be dead bodies in the streets.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.