I said this in another thread, but it is a hoax...just like covid....I agree with whoever said that above

It's not any different than your employer forcing you to get a vaccine or wear a mask. Either comply or hit the road. There's not really any recourse on your end.

The State saw how easy it was to manipulate people with covid and now the AWFF is trying it with CWD. It's not some big secret. Go listen to them talk about it on any social media outlet. It's hilarious, but it's even funnier that some folks are so stupid that they actually buy it(just like covid) All this looks like is a private company buying a popular a narrative that the state has put out.

The world we live in now is simply one big façade. It's almost like I am watching a terrible soap opera. Everyone acting like the narrative makes sense when everyone knows it really doesn't

Kill deer so they don't die of CWD
Wear a cloth mask to prevent the spread of covid
Stop artificially feeding deer to spread them out even though they get over there under the ole oak tree and spit, pee, jizz, and crap all over each other because they are animals