Some kinda karma like timing going on here. I have this to offer..... I built an AR for a kid in 350 and he killed a hog with it this past weekend and the thing went down in a pile. I was impressed about 25 yard shot, drop kicked a sow shooting 170 grain Hornady Whitetail I think. He had been asking his daddy to ask me if I would take them deer hunting and his Dad and I discussed what he needed to shoot. Obviously we breezed right past .243 and onto something that shoots a chunk of lead not the tip of a #243 pencil.

I didn't know what it would do we just gave it a try. No kick hardly his dad had been practicing with him on an AR-15 and he never knew the difference. We could get the stock short where everything fit. It worked out well. It blew a dern hole in the side of that pig I will tell you that it was about 100lb sow.

If you can get over the non-traditional rifle thing which I have a hard time with.... Not sure there is anything better for a kid.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.