when i first bought my little lounger chair, i set it up next to a cedar - got in nice & tight & cut lanes out of the branches - my boots were at the edge of a pasture
suddenly, i heard something walking a few yards away, behind me - eased around & it was a lone hen - she came to the pasture's edge (just below me) & dusted herself in a sandy spot
then, she walked up the pasture's edge straight towards me - as she got to me, she stopped at the soles of my boots - i could literally see her tongue flickering inside her mouth
felt like an eternity - prob was like a minute or less - but it was certainly one of the coolest, closest encounters i've had

Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 01/18/22 03:32 PM.

ALDeer physics: for every opinion, there's an equal & opposite opinion

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.