Originally Posted by ikillbux
Y'all realize Trump is vaccinated, and has repeatedly urged Americans to get it. Are y'all REALLY....I'm being serious, REALLY willing to die over your disgust for Joe Biden and Democrat politics? Are you SO damn confident in your Facebook rhetoric about the vaccines and authoritarianism and whatever other ignorant crap I read 8 million times a day???? Are you REALLY that confident in your anecdotal evidence about how you only got sorta sick for a few days, or you know this person who didn't die, etc???

Or are y'all really so convinced by your Google research (that ain't worth half a cent) that you're willing to risk death? Really so convinced that your vitamin D and Ivermectin is the cure-all? Remember what Mark Twain said about statistics?? I can find an article on Google that says whatever I want to support.

Listen, I was there, I was just like y'all.... convinced that Covid was a joke, the Dems were fear-mongering and exaggerating data, ignorant about the vaccines and what they are ACTUALLY designed to do (NOT prevent contraction of the virus, I repeat, NOT prevent contraction of the virus), and acting like some redneck loudmouth about "by God they ain't forcing me to do nuthin!!" And I was wrong! And so are you. God help you if you get this stuff. Sure, most likely you won't be hospitalized....but are you that confident?
99% of the crap you're reading about the side effects of the vaccines are complete hogwash, heck the majority of it isn't even medically possible! But what it WILL do is 99% save your freakin' life if you get Covid.

I don't care if y'all get mad at me, but you're damn wrong about this. I don't understand what you're REALLY objecting to. You already do 10,000 things that the government mandates (mandatory auto liability, anyone????), so why are you singling out Covid vaccines ike it's something different?
I told y'all the other day, I'm as liberty-minded as anyone (I'm a far-right-leaning Libertarian), so don't accuse me of being a Democrat, blah blah blah. But I've changed 180 degrees on this vaccine stuff. You're dead wrong about it (no pun intended). I guess until it happens to YOU, you're just not gonna change your mind. God help you.

You do realize he had to vaccinate, since he said he was going to deliver it in record time?

You are not liberty minded or you wouldn't have posted something to so stupid. Since when does the POTUS have the authority to force someone to vaccinate for a virus with a less than 1% fatality rate? Maybe if they weren't totally manipulating the numbers to match their stupid the sky is falling narrative, we would actually know not very many people have died from the actual virus. Even when the doctors speak and are pushed, they all admit the majority of the people they see have what 1 major underlying issue? They are obese.

Here is my objection. First and foremost, they used cells from aborted fetus's to develop it. Second, I can't sue the drug maker for a bad outcome. Third, I am not obese. Fourth, its my decision about my healthcare, if they can mandate this then they can madate diets for obese people.