I tried again yesterday afternoon but they wouldn’t step out into the open. Dang thing acted like it knew I was there but not sure where, it would come to the edge of a 12 yr old cutover snorting and occasionally grunting and stand there before spooking. The wind was in my favor but it was cooling down so I think the thermals got me busted. It would come back every 30 mins or so at a different location and do the same thing, snorting like a deer more than grunting, every time the deer and everything else would take off as soon as they heard it coming. The last time it came to the edge I swear it got mad, it grunted and clicked its teeth multiple times and then growled 3-4 times as it walked off.

Elite Omnia, Easton FMJ, Axcel Landslyde 5 pin slider.