First off - well said Dave! Your fingers must be bleeding! As much as I don't like the concept of "youtubers" doing hunting videos, I disliked the hunting videos of the 90's, 80's, 70's, etc just as much. I admit I am a selfish turkey hunter and don't really want more folks involved in the sport. I never watched the VHS videos and don't watch many youtuber vids. The exception has always been Pinhoti for 2 reasons. First, I thought Dave would fit right in with the guys I hunt with, primarily for reason 2. He tries to kill a turkey the "right" way and has (and shows it) a tremendous respect for the bird. He also has the guts to come on here and defend himself to the whiners on here who simply bitch but never have solutions. These guys are the reason I don't post on here often anymore. Too much negativity and armchair biologists - just search my posts from a few years ago. Dave convinced me a while ago that he was in this to influence turkey hunters to appreciate the hunt, respect the animal and not just be in it for the kill and to personally help how he could to increase turkey populations.

Second, Chamberlain. I have been tempted to post on here when he is being slammed but don't want to get into another internet argument with one of the above. That being said, unlike many of those on here that bitch and whine about him, he has dedicated his time, money, and career to wildlife research. He is an exceptional research biologist and is doing excellent research in a time when there is very little turkey research being done in the southeast (Alabama's last turkey project doesn't count!). Do I agree with all of his conclusions - absolutely not. His dominant gobbler theory is full of holes but he thinks it is plausible. I don't. He also admits it is a theory and does not have good data to support it. BUT that doesn't make him a bad researcher or call into question his motives. He hunts and manages turkeys, not just studies them. I suspect the DG theory will be proven wrong but maybe not. Do I agree with starting seasons later - again, no. But I am open to the possibility until proven one way or the other. I simply don't think it will impact poult recruitment either way. His research on movements, habitat, burning, nest success, how they all interact and relate, etc are groundbreaking and that is enough to make him a great researcher. There are some great research projects in the works to look at answering some of these questions.

More of this research needs to be done, especially here in Alabama. We also have a great researcher at AU that should be doing some independent turkey research as well as some in coordination with Chamberlain. As Dave said, stay tuned for announcement soon from AU, TFT and AWF

Last edited by gobbler; 08/12/21 08:27 PM.

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine