Originally Posted by JUGHEAD
I’m not gonna write a book though I could. I fell in love with Dave’s videos way before the Pinhoti Project because he chased turkeys “right” and inspired me to work to be a better caller. I haven’t been doing it as long as many on here, but I am a self-proclaimed “Lord’s annointed” as Mr. Kelly would say. I have a very deep admiration for God’s creation of the wild turkey, I killed em every way possible when I started, and it didnt take me too long to dive headlong into adding ethics-only based rules to myself on how I was gonna pursue them. I bet my mentor would testify that when he and I had a short-lived dabbling in fanning up turkeys for the first time and killed a few that I called us out on what a shortcut/lessening/instant gratification/cheating way of killing such a majestic creature that it was. I only use that as a single example to say that I humbly believe that I “get it”as a whole.

With all that said, I honestly believe that you have tossed the pearls of what we do to the swine Dave and they have trampled and crapped all over them. I do believe you had the best of intentions when you started Pinhoti, with a worthy goal of overshadowing the aforementioned methods and cheapening of turkey hunting. Unfortunately, in the sorta necessary evil of promoting yourself (social media etc.) in order to be able to do it, the pigs care not about how you killed him. But this self-worshipping culture that we live in LOVES to get behind his dead arse, smoke a cigar or put one out right by his beautifully colored head, hold them spurs up to the sky background (even if they shot him out of the damn truck or from behind a fan), and rush to post it on social media. WAY more about the attention they seek than what it is really about. IE they have attached to the worst part of what you do instead of the good. And you are doing WAY more damage than good IMHO.

Then give me advice on where to begin at changing their minds? I hope we can agree that exposure to "the right way" is necessary. Otherwise, where are these guys ever going to find guidance? is the extinguishing of the cigar distasteful? It'll stop. The content surrounding turkeys is coming, do we just let the savages take over and litter the web with fuel for anti-hunting along with smearing our beloved resource disrespectfully in the public's face? I'm genuinely asking for answers.